History & Leadership
Co-founders Patricia Mirek and Tony Werderitsch had a vision for a project management and controls organization that is and will be responsive and responsible for providing cost effective solutions to clients’ project concerns. Since 1985, thousands of projects and hundreds of clients have experienced the dedication of ACM professionals supporting their projects’ needs, from task management to project management implementation, through owner representation, extensive training, and when required, resolution of conflicts.

Co-Founders Pat Mirek and Tony Werderitsch (1980s)
The result of our four decades of success has been produced by:
- Selecting Qualified Candidates via ACM’s Exceptional Application and Interview Process
- Training Staff Using ACM’s Developed Materials
- Adherence to Best Industry Practices and Applications
- Providing Training in the Principles of Performance
- Dedication to Successful Results
- Offering Client-Tailored Seminars and Courses
- Sharing Knowledge via Publications and Training
“The basic principle that a company is only as good as its staff is a proven precept.” (Tony Werderitsch)
Expansion of these ideals led ACM to provide its services to clients throughout the United States, Canada, Central and South America, Europe, and India. Like the golden ratio of ACM’s logo, the Nautilus shell is an ever expanding outgoing spiral built from a solid and stable base.
ACM’s leadership are recognized as experts in their field as they provide guidance, mentoring, and training. ACM’s senior vice president, vice president, and its directors assist clients while they train, mentor, and coach ACM staff. Exceptional people are the life blood of ACM.

Co-Founders Pat Mirek and Tony Werderitsch (2010s)