ACM Professional Development
One of ACM’s core strengths is recruiting, testing, and selecting exceptionally qualified candidates for employment. Once ACM conducts a very thorough interview, administers logic tests, and performs background checks, the new ACM team member receives comprehensive training in project management and cost engineering best practices from project management practitioners each with over 30 years of experience. AACE International and Project Management Institute (PMI®) Body of Knowledge tools and principles are used to educate ACM team members.
ACM employees receive full reimbursement of fees for certification and license exams (upon passing), and benefit from pay increases. ACM encourages the team to stay educated and involved in best practices.
ACM’s interview process and selection coupled with best practice applications for managing successful projects are the core of business. ACM’s leadership are recognized as experts as they provide guidance and mentoring to less experienced as well as other seasoned professionals.
ACM finds the “best and the brightest” to provide services to our clients.